High Level Design of Kalypso
At a high level, Kalypso is a proof marketplace where every job submitted is indexed and then forwarded to a pseudo-randomly selected generator. That generator is responsible for submitting the proof for the job.
Below you'll find comprehensive documentation that provides an in-depth overview of each module and component of Kalypso. This curated list of guides covers everything from architecture nuances to detailed functional insights.
📄️ Attestations
Nitro-Attestation is a unique feature available to Nitro Enclaves. The enclave leverages the attestation process to prove its identity and build trust with an external service.
📄️ Markets
Creating a Market in Kalypso
📄️ Proof Request
Place Jobs in the Non-Confidential Market (by User)
📄️ Joining Market
In previous section, demand side of the market was eloborated. Now we shall discuss the supply side.
📄️ Matching With Generator
Job Assignment in Non-Confidential Market
📄️ Proof Submission