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Nitro-Attestation is a unique feature available to Nitro Enclaves. The enclave leverages the attestation process to prove its identity and build trust with an external service.


  • AttestationVerifier: A specialized enclave responsible for taking attestation requests from other enclaves and generating a Solidity-verifiable attestation.
  • AttestationAuthor: A smart contract containing functions that verify the attestation produced by the AttestationVerifier.

How Enclave Attestations Are Verified On-Chain

In this process, the Enclave requests an attestation from the Operator. The Operator forwards the attestation to the AttestationVerifier for validation. Once activated, the AttestationVerifier confirms the attestation and returns a verified result back to the Operator. Finally, the Operator submits this verified attestation to the AttestationAuthor smart contract on-chain, thereby proving its identity and establishing trust.

Enclave Attestations and Kalypso

In Kalypso, Operators participating in the private market require the enclave to generate proofs. Additionally, the matching engine runs inside the enclave. Both components must produce valid attestations, get them verified, and only then can they interact with Kalypso.

Once attestation are verified, the associated public keys derived from the attestations are saved on the another set of smart contract.