Confidential inputs
This sub-section assumes that you are trying to create a Type-2 Market that supports confidential inputs and that your Generator enclave containing the proof verification logic is ready. It also assumes that you have kalypso-sdk set up correctly.
The steps below will use kalypso-sdk to help you connect the proof verification logic in the Generator enclave with the rest of Kalypso contracts so that proofs can be verified and Requests can be settled correctly.
- Fetch the attestation of the enclave
const generatorAttestationData = await kalypso.Generator().GeneratorEnclaveConnector().getAttestation();
- Extract PCRs from the Attesatation Data
const generatorImagePcrs = KalypsoSdk.getRlpedPcrsFromAttestation(generatorAttestationData.attestation_document);
- Finally broadcast the transaction to create the TeeVerifier
const data = await kalypso
.createTeeVerifier(await wallet.getAddress(), kalypsoConfig.tee_verifier_deployer, kalypsoConfig.attestation_verifier, generatorImagePcrs);
<!-- Existing Code Setup -->
const generatorAttestationData = await kalypso.Generator().GeneratorEnclaveConnector().getAttestation();
console.log({ generator_enclave_key: generatorAttestationData.secp_key });
const generatorPubKey = PublicKey.fromHex(generatorAttestationData.secp_key as string);
console.log({ generator_compressed: generatorPubKey.compressed.toString("hex") });
const generatorImagePcrs = KalypsoSdk.getRlpedPcrsFromAttestation(generatorAttestationData.attestation_document);
console.log({ generatorImagePcrs });
const data = await kalypso
.createTeeVerifier(await wallet.getAddress(), kalypsoConfig.tee_verifier_deployer, kalypsoConfig.attestation_verifier, generatorImagePcrs);
console.log("Tee Verifier Creation Receipt hash", data.hash);
Note down the transaction hash i.e data.hash
. The transaction will create a new contract whose address i.e teeVerifier can be found on a chain explorer.
Verify the enclave key
Once, you have the teeVerifier, Finally verify the enclave key of the deployed enclave
// Existing Code
const teeVerifier = "" // Fetch it from the explorer
const data = await kalypso
.verifyTeeKey(teeVerifier, generatorAttestationData.attestation_document);
console.log("Tee Verifier VerifyKey tx receipt hash", data.hash);
- teeVerifier: Address of the teeVerifier contract
If the transaction hash is successfully received, it implies that the verification was successful. The function reverts otherwise.