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Deploying the EIF

Uploading the EIF

  • Upload the EIF to an IPFS node. You can upload via the Oyster CVM CLI, which requires a Pinata API key and secret.
PINATA_API_KEY=<api-key> PINATA_API_SECRET=<api-secret> oyster-cvm upload --file result_cp/image.eif
  • Alternatively, you can upload the EIF anywhere as long as the URL fetches the EIF.

Deploying the EIF

  • Once the EIF is uploaded to IPFS, you can deploy it using the Oyster CVM CLI.
oyster-cvm oyster-cvm deploy --wallet-private-key <wallet-private-key> --image-url <eif-url> --instance-type <instance-type> --region <region> --operator 0xe10Fa12f580e660Ecd593Ea4119ceBC90509D642 --duration-in-minutes <duration>
  • Example:
oyster-cvm oyster-cvm deploy --wallet-private-key 1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef --image-url --instance-type c6a.xlarge --region ap-south-1 --operator 0xe10Fa12f580e660Ecd593Ea4119ceBC90509D642 --duration-in-minutes 60

This will return the operator's address and the Job ID which you can also check on the Oyster Marketplace Hub.