Create a Proof Request
Proof Requests on Kalypso can be placed by using the kalypso-sdk npm package. The sections below assume kalypso-sdk has already been installed and configured.
Requesting proofs on Kalypso is a 3 step process:
📄️ Placing the Proof Request
The section explain how to place a request on Kalypso. Since there markets with/without confidential inputs, placing requests for each type of market is slightly different.
📄️ Determining the Request ID
Once the proof request transaction is broadcasted, a unique ID is assigned to the request and this request is unique across kalypso. You can fetch the requestId using API from kalypso-sdk as shown below
📄️ Fetching the proof
Fetch Proof for a given request ID
📄️ Status Codes
| Status Code | Description |