Proof Request
Proof Requests are fundamental to interacting with Kalypso. They tell the system exactly what kind of zero-knowledge (ZK) proof you need and your constraints or preferences for generating it.
Let's break down how this differs from traditional approaches before diving into making requests:
Traditional approach: In traditional setups, you generate the ZK proof entirely on your own device. This can be computationally demanding. Kalypso offloads this work to specialized solvers.
With Kalypso: On Kalypso, you submit a proof request with inputs which are encrypted if supposed to be private. A Proof Generator who satisfies specified constraints is chosen by the Matching Engine. After successful proof generation, the Generator puts the proof on-chain from where you can retrieve the proof. Detailed information is available in the section on Proof request and delivery lifecycle.
The prover initiates a proof Request on-chain on the Kalypso contract. A Request has the following structure:
struct Bid {
uint256 marketId;
uint256 reward;
uint256 expiry;
uint256 timeForProofGeneration;
uint256 deadline;
address refundAddress;
bytes proverData;
- marketId: Market ID
- reward: The number of USDC tokens issued as payment to the generator upon successful job completion.
- expiry: Specifies the cutoff timestamp by which the matching engine must assign the task to the proof generator.
- timeForProofGeneration: Specifies the maximum duration allotted to the generator for completing the proof once the job has been assigned.
- deadline: The timestamp by which the proof must be submitted on-chain. (Note: This value is derived and varies based on the job assigned to the operator.)
- refundAddress: The address where any refund will be sent (if applicable).
- proverData: Public/non-confidential data of the job
The Request includes additional components that are not stored on-chain but are instead exposed through events. Since secrets cannot be processed, they are transmitted as part of these events.
function createBid(
Struct.Bid calldata _bid,
Enum.SecretType _secretType,
bytes calldata _privateInputs,
bytes calldata _acl,
bytes calldata _extraData
- _secretType: Currently, only the
secret type is supported. In this mode, the encrypted secret is transmitted via calldata. Support for additional secret types may be introduced in future updates. - _privateInputs: Encrypted private inputs required for secure proof computation.
- _acl: Specifies the access control list for decrypting the private inputs. This list ensures that only the Matching Engine is authorized to decrypt and access the data.
- _extraData: Any extra unencrypted data, that is not part of Bid