Market Creators are responsible for creation of markets. Descriptions of artifacts referred to below are available in the section on creating markets.
A Market has the following structure:
struct Market {
address verifier;
bytes32 proverImageId;
bytes32 ivsImageId;
address creator;
bytes marketmetadata;
- verifier: The address of the contract that verifies proofs submitted by the operator.
- proverImageId: The image corresponding to the enclave that generates the proof. If the generator does not require an enclave, this value defaults to:
bytes32 imageId = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(bytes48(0), bytes48(0), bytes48(0)));
- ivsImageId: Identifier for the enclave image that verifies the provided inputs.
- creator: The Ethereum address of the account that created the market.
- marketmetadata: Market metadata.