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Register with Kalypso

Welcome to the Register with Kalypso guide. This tutorial will walk you through the steps to register as an operator, ensuring you can seamlessly integrate with the Kalypso Marketplace.

📋 Prerequisites​

Before you begin, ensure that you have completed the following:

ℹī¸ Why: Completing these prerequisites ensures that your environment is correctly configured and that the prover is running, which are essential for successful registration with Kalypso.

📝 Register as an Operator​

Follow these steps to register as an operator with Kalypso:

1. Create .env File​

Start by creating a .env file in the root directory of your project. This file will store the necessary environment variables required for registration.

touch .env

ℹī¸ Why: The .env file holds sensitive information and configuration settings needed for the registration process. Keeping this information in a separate file enhances security and manageability.

2. Configure Environment Variables​

Open the .env file in your preferred text editor and add the following contents:

DISPLAY_NAME="Your fancy name, or leave blank"
DESCRIPTION="Tell us something about yourself, or leave blank"
WEBSITE="if you have a website, or leave blank"
TWITTER="if you have Twitter, or leave blank"
env variableNotes
RPC_URLMainnet: Arbitrum One Rpc URL
Betanet/Stagenet: Arbitrum Sepolia Rpc URL
PRIVATE_KEYPrivate key corresponding to GENERATOR_ADDRESS
REWARD_ADDRESSReward Address where all the rewards tokens are accrued.
It is recommended that this address to be a secure address like ledger/multisig
OPERATOR_COMMISSIONThis value represents the percentage of KALYPSO_POINTS allocated to the Kalypso operator. It is expressed in a fixed-point format where 1000000000000000000 equals 100%.

For example, a commission value of 1000000000000000000 indicates that 100% of the KALYPSO_POINTS is allocated to the Kalypso Operator. The remaining percentage, calculated as (100 - commission), is distributed to the vault operator and the transmitter.

Kalypso operators must set this value in consultation with the vault operator. Setting an unreasonable commission may result in the vault operator denying the symbiotic stake to the Kalypso operator, which can prevent job assignments.

Note: The entire PROOF_GENERATION_COST is allocated solely to the Kalypso operator.

⚠ī¸ Ensure All Variables Are Declared: Please ensure that you have properly configured the following variables in your .env file:

  • RPC_URL: The RPC URL of the Arbitrum Sepolia Network.
  • PRIVATE_KEY: Your operator's private key used to sign transactions.
  • REWARD_ADDRESS: The address where rewards will be sent.
  • PROOF_GENERATION_COST: The cost associated with generating proofs, specified in USDC without decimals.
  • DISPLAY_NAME: (Optional) A fancy name for your operator.
  • DESCRIPTION: (Optional) A brief description about yourself or your operation.
  • WEBSITE: (Optional) Your website URL.
  • TWITTER: (Optional) Your Twitter handle.
  • OPERATOR_COMMISSION: Operator Commission.
Registration Error Warning

Warning: You cannot register twice with the same operator. Attempting to do so will result in an error.

ℹī¸ Why: Proper configuration of environment variables is crucial for the registration process. These variables ensure that your operator is correctly identified and can interact securely with the Kalypso network.

3. Register and Join the Marketplace​

With the .env file configured, execute the following command to register your operator and join the Kalypso Marketplace:

./ register-join

ℹī¸ Why: Running this command initiates the registration process, sending your operator's details to the Kalypso network and adding you to the marketplace. This step is essential to start participating and earning rewards within the ecosystem.


You can do the same registration and joining the market operation via direct smart contract interaction​

You will need to invoke Register and JoinMarketplace

🚀 Next Steps​

Once the registration process is complete, proceed to request stake from Symbiotic to begin your operations as a Hardware Operator.

ℹī¸ Why: Requesting stake is necessary to secure your position in the network and to enable the generation of proofs, which are integral to the functioning of the Kalypso ecosystem.

Need Help?

If you encounter any issues or have questions, feel free to reach out to our Telegram channel for assistance.

Happy Registering!